When it rains, it pours. No luck racing in Prospect Park

Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup Race Recap - July 7 2012

Shit luck. Not much other way to sum up Team Sixcycle-RK&O's race at the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup Series in Prospect Park on July 7 2012.

The race started out as all park races start - rolling to the park under the retreating cover of darkness. Pinning numbers. Shooting the shit with fellow racers. Of course this race wasn't like every other race in that just a few days prior the racing community lost one of its greats, the last big wheel of NYC, Dave Jordan. Several current and former members of his team were in attendance, wearing the Jordan Racing kits that have been a part of the racing landscape for years, as Charlie led the gathered racers in a moment of silence. Shortly thereafter the racing began, with forty odd miles of riding to come.

From there things went downhill quickly for the four members of Team Sixcycle-RK&O who were in attendance. The first malady to befall the team was a shard of glass puncturing Tom Mikolinski's tire, taking him out of the race just two laps in. Shortly thereafter Corey Morenz lost a bottle (a significant loss given the hot and humid conditions) and while attempting to recover it a lap later was dropped from the pack. Suddenly Team Sixcycle-RK&O was down two riders - but the bad luck was only beginning.

Halfway through the race and with just Bryan Fried and Matthew Vandivort left in the field, Bryan broke his rear derailleur cable, leaving him with a single 11-cog on his cassette. Despite effectively riding a two speed bike, he stayed in the race. At this stage Team Sixcycle-RK&O was effectively reduced to one and a half riders. However the shit luck wasn't over... some thirty miles into the race Matthew followed a wheel into one of the many potholes in the park, immediately flatting his tire and ending his race.

In the end Bryan managed to finish the race on his two speed bike, leaving the team one pack finish and three DNF's. Shit luck, but with everyone safe at the end of the race there ultimately wasn't much to complain about. Racing done for the day, the team headed off for coffee and (oreo covered) donuts.

Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup Race Pictures


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